Some Pain must be attended immediately, you should not learn to live with Pain

Some Pain You Shouldn't Ignore One could say that physical pain is part of our everyday life. We get it as a consequence of injury, illness, or intense exercise (in which case there's absolutely no reason to worry about it). Many types of physical body pain can in fact be explained without having to see a doctor, but when there's no apparent cause for your persistent headache or your nagging back pain, it is important to alert yourself and take action, as they could be signs of something more serious. Here are 7 types of pain you should never ignore. 1. Burning Pain or Numbness in the Legs or Feet If you ever feel a burning pain or a numb/tingling sensation in the legs or feet, you could be suffering from neuropathy, or more specifically, diabetic neuropathy. Unfortunately, one in every 10 persons in India, has some form of sugar level imbalance, many individuals tend to ignore the symptoms of diabetes, leading to eventual serious consequences. The following...