Shoulder Pain Ayurveda Treatment Centre In Vasant Kunj

Shoulder pain is a very debilitating condition which causes extreme discomfort and does not let an individual live in peace
In Ayurveda we term this clinical condition as “avabahuka”.
There are some clinical conditions of modern science, which may be compared with that of Avabahuka. These may be categorized as follows:
  1. Periarthritis, frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis
  2. Subacromial or subdeltoid bursitis
  3. Subcoracoid bursitis
  4. Painful shoulder
  5. Bicipital tendinitis
  6. Osteoarthritis of shoulder joint
  7. Brachial plexus neuropathies
Ayurveda offers better and more promising results in these cases with herbs used both orally as well as in panchakarma therapies. Following modalities are practiced in ayurveda for managing avabahuka:
  1. Oral intake of anti inflammatory, analgesic and strengthening/rejuvenating herbs in the form of tablets/ powder/ decoction/ syrup
  2. Local application [abhayanga] of medicated oils with anti inflammatory, analgesic, rejuvenating properties
  3. Steam application [nadi sweda] with decoction of herbs with inflammatory, analgesic, rejuvenating properties
As well as , Patra pind swedana : fomentation with bolus made with potent herbs and medicated oils.
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